My mindset is so different than most. I would lie if I didn’t say I’m not having Anxiety and PTSD from life in Miami in isolation with Ellie. But as I told my Mom tonight, yes it’s hard, and yes it’s scary the financial impact this will have on our family, our family business, our Community, & Our Nation but, I would be happily broke to have my family of four, now family of 3 alive and healthy. People need to stop, take a deep breath, and realize that the most important things in your life is not toilet paper, hand sanitizer or not being able to go out. It’s those people that are quarantined in your home with you called Family. It has been a very big change around here as I am tired of being inside isolated and socialization is what I do, if you ask my husband, maybe I’m a little too good at socialization sometimes lol. But as hard as it is I am trying to remain healthy. Most of you know I have an auto immune disease, Multiple Sclerosis, a Cold is harder for me to recover from so I cannot imagine what would happen if I get the COVID-19 virus. So, if staying Home is what is best for myself and my family, I’m doing it. Yes, you might be seeing me at the Drive through DD (girls got to have her coffee once in a while) or at Ellie’s Grave but that is very limited contact. What almost no one knows is how serious my husband’s asthma is. About 7 years ago he was having Asthma attacks in his sleep and would stop breathing. After much push back I got him to see an Asthma/Allergy specialist and now he is breathing much better. Keep in mind he takes Specialty medication injections monthly to help keep his Asthma Under control but once again if he gets the virus he would be in serious danger. Not a sob story just some background on our family. Now does Dave go to work every day, YES, but if they tell him at any point you need to take a couple of weeks off without pay we would do it without complaint. Yes, it would probably financially cripple our family but the reason for this is because once again I would do anything to keep my family alive. Is your family members life worth $3,000, $10,000, $25,000 would you put a price tag on your spouse, or Child? I know speaking from personal experience there is not enough money in this world to put my family in danger of dying from this virus. I have lived through my daughter dying and I would not wish this pain and suffering on anyone, it is far greater than any amount of money. Now with that being said NBA Player Donovan Mitchell has tested positive to COVID-19 with NO SYMPTOMS. You heard me right no symptoms (He is now quarantined) I am trying to make a point that there are 100’s, 1000’s, maybe even millions that have the virus with no symptoms. They are going about their everyday life and don’t have a care in the world because they do not feel sick. But what is happening is they are infecting others without even knowing it. This is why the government has shut down schools, Restaurants and is asking everyone to remain isolated so we can get this under control. There are millions that need to go to work because they cannot work remotely like my husband but if those other millions would stay home if they can it would slow down the spread of this virus and hopefully will die off. We are facing some very rough months ahead, not only in deaths but financially and the only way to get through this is to ban together and show kindness towards one another and social distancing. I get it Social Distancing is not my thing AT ALL. But let’s work together to save a life or two. I would much rather be broke and save people’s life’s, then to be selfish and let people die. Last thing Show Kindness and patience with people & businesses as we fight this as a whole. If you are getting a regular paycheck and this is not affecting your bottom line help out a local business by buying a meal, a gift card, etc. Think small the small businesses are the ones that need our support right now. #elliestrong nation we got this. Ellie has been training us for this moment for over a year. Let’s come together and show her the impact she has had on us and our community. Ok I am going to go through some exciting things that we have planned or have had to cancel below.
Stay strong Ellie Nation and remember Be Kind and help someone else. |